[Tentative Translation]
Keidanren Voluntary Action Plan on the Environment
(Final Report)
June 17, 1997
- by TOYODA Shoichiro
Keidanren Voluntary Action Plan on the Environment
- (Irregular order)
- Mining
(Japan Mining Industry Association)
- Limestone mining industry
(Limestone Association of Japan)
- Coal
(Japan Coal Association)
- Construction
(Japan Federation of Construction Contractors, others)
- Housing
(Japan Federation of Housing Organizations)
- Sugar Refining
(Japan Sugar Refiners' Association)
- Beer Brewing
(Brewers Association of Japan)
- Paper manufacturing
(Federation of Paper Manufacturers in Japan)
- Chemical
(Japan Chemical Industry Association)
- Pharmaceutical
(Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Associations of Japan,
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association)
- Petroleum
(Petroleum Association of Japan)
- Rubber
(The Japan Rubber Manufacturers Association)
- Flat Glass
(Flat Glass Association of Japan)
- Cement
(Cement Association of Japan)
- Steel
(Japan Iron and Steel Federation)
- Aluminum
(Japan Aluminium Federation)
- Brass
(Japan Brass Makers Association)
- Electric Cable
(Japan Electric Wire and Cable Makers' Association)
- Industrial Machinery
(The Japan Society of Industrial Machinery Manufacturers)
- Electronics
(Electronic Industries Association of Japan, others)
- Electric Machinery
(Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association)
- Automobile
(Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association)
- Automobile Parts
(Japan Auto Parts Industries Association)
- Rolling Stock
(Japan Association of Rolling Stock Industries)
- Shipbuilding
(The Shipbuilders' Association of Japan)
- Optical Instruments
(Japan Optical Industry Association, others)
- Foreign Trade
(Japan Foreign Trade Council)
- Department Store
(Japan Department Stores Association)
- Chain Stores
(Japan Chain Stores Association)
- Non-Life Insurance
(The Marine and Fire Insurance Association of Japan)
- Real Estate
(The Real Estate Companies Association in Japan)
- Railway
(Japan Non-Government Railways Association)
- Shipping
(Japanese Shipowners' Association)
- Transportation
(Japan Trucking Association)
- Electric Power
(Federation of Electric Power Companies)
- Gas
(Japan Gas Association)
- Aviation
(Three-Airlines Liaison Committee on Environmental Problems)
- Other
(East Japan Railway Co.)
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