(Japan Federation of Construction Contractors, others)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Measures
- At the designing stage, consider the use of materials and energy systems of low CO2 emission.
- In future, set up a concrete CO2 reduction target and make efforts to attain it.
- As an emission source of CO2, construction activities' 1.3% is small. However, construction-related activities account for one-third of all Japan. Therefore, the construction industry will coordinate with related industries to grapple with the problem.
Waste Disposal Measures
- Target
- By the year 2000, the final disposal rate of waste shall be reduced to 20% and the recycling rate raised to 80%. (The recycling rate includes the outage rate.)
- Thorough restriction of waste generation.
- Promotion of complete recycling.
- Strict observance of proper disposal.
Environmental Management
- Make positive use of the environmental management system of the ISO14000 series and support each company in promoting its adoption.
- The following three organizations compiled this plan:
Japan Federation of Construction Contractors,
Japan Civil Engineering Contractors' Association,
Building Contractors Society
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