(East Japan Railway Co.)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Target
- By FY 2001, the amount of energy per transportation unit will be reduced by 10% from the FY 1994 level.
- The amount of CO2 gas per unit energy generated by thermoelectric power plants will be reduced by 10%.
- Reducing emissions of NOx from self-operated thermal power plants by 40 percent.
- By 2001, replacing 30 percent of the air conditioning equipment that used special chlorofluorocarbons in 1996 with equipment not using such special chlorofluorocarbons.
- Introduction of energy-saving vehicles, etc.
- Making stations and office buildings more energy efficient
- Further improvement of power generation efficiency, using clean energy sources and recycling
- Planting of 30,000 trees every year
Waste Disposal Measures
- Target
- Making the recycling rate for waste generated at plants and works 70% by FY 2001
- Making the recycling rate for waste from stations and trains 30%
- Making the rate for reuse of paper generated by office work 90%
- Reducing the consumption of water resources by 5%
- Recycling and reduction of office waste
- Striving to restrict waste generation, such as by establishing a recycling route for train car glass and completing the fractional collection of metal waste
- Striving to further increase the recycling rate for disassembly of representative cars (103 system), which is currently 91%
- Reviewing how to deliver shopping bags at shops and the sale of box lunches with simplified packaging.
- East Japan Railway Co. concluded "How East Japan Railway Should Tackle Environmental Issues" in March 1996. This listed individual and specific targets, as well as basic ideals and principles.
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