Real Estate
(The Real Estate Companies Association in Japan)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Controlling the burden of energy use caused by building operations, through insulation, greater incorporation of greenery, etc.
- Evaluating energy-saving measures based on the use of energy-saving equipment and systems, regional air-conditioning systems, co-generation, etc.
- Supporting the development of new or unexploited sources of energy, and promoting their use.
- Encouraging close coordination with related industries in order to adopt the use of greenery-related products and innovative technology at the stage of planning and design.
- Promoting awareness-raising activities among users of building facilities and other persons.
Waste Disposal Measures
- Promoting the reduction and recycling of general business-related waste and industrial waste.
- Evaluating ways of extending the life of building materials and of recycling construction materials.
- Supporting efforts to reduce and recycle waste from everyday life, and promoting awareness-raising activities in this regard.
- Evaluating systems for the effective use of water resources.
Environmental Management
- Evaluating measures that would make it possible to accurately gauge environmental conditions, and to manage and inspect environmental protection policies and environmental impacts.
- Carrying out awareness-raising activity aimed at increasing the recognition of environmental problems among management and employees, and at encouraging them to carry out self-initiated action plans.
- Improving information exchange.
- Evaluating support measures that would make it possible for businesses to establish environmental management systems independently.
- With regard to sanitation control policies aimed at atmospheric pollutants, acting in concert with related industries to increase the level of awareness regarding company-based sanitation control systems and encouraging the adoption of technical evaluations, including those at thestage of planning and design.
- Contributing to the creation and maintenance of regional environments.
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