Sugar Refining
(Japan Sugar Refiners' Association)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Target
- Total CO2 emission in 2010 will be set at 500,000 tons per year. (In 1990 it was 529,599 tons.)
- Will aim to reduce it below 500,000 tons in future.
- Adopt energy-saving equipment.
- Make efforts to further reduce CO2 emission by continuing the survey of the actual situation of the sugar refining industry's energy consumption and monitoring the industry's CO2 emission.
Waste Disposal Measures
- Target
- In 2010, the recycling rate of the filter cake generated in the sugar refining process will be 50% and the final disposal volume reduction rate will be 50%.
- Due to its components, filter cake does not necessarily have a high value as a resource. New development, therefore, is difficult. However, it will be reused as material for cement and fertilizer.
- Total volume of C02 emission was reduced by 31.3% in the period from 1980 to 1990.
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