(Japan Iron and Steel Federation)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Target
- Promote energy-saving in production process (reduce energy consumption in 2010 by about 10% as compared with 1990)
- In coordination with regional community, make use of plastic waste and unused energy (down equivalent of about 3%)
- Supply of high-grade steel which will make it possible to save energy when using steel material. (Down similarly about 4% in society as a whole.)
- Contribute to energy conservation through international technological cooperation.
- Wider dissemination of existing energy-saving technology; promotion of practical application and popularization of revolutionary technology.
- Use of plastic waste at steel mills through cooperation of state and regional community and use of used and unused energy in regional community.
- Development and dissemination of high-function steel (high tension steel plate, electromagnetic steel plate, etc.)
- Cooperation in energy-conservation measures of joint implementation activity, etc.
Waste Disposal Measures
- Target
- The volume of final disposal of byproducts (slug, dust, sludge) generated in the steel manufacturing process will be reduced in 2010 by 75% from 1990, and will aim for 99% recycling for use as resource. (Actual percentage in 1990 was 95%)
- Target of 75% will be set for steel can recycling in 2000 and an even higher rate will be aimed for.
- Promote in-factory recycling of by-products and, in coordination with users and the administrative authorities, expand the present ways of using by-products, and promote development of new uses.
- Conduct activities to educate consumers and continue economic support of municipalities, etc.
Environmental Management
- With a view to conforming to the ISO14000 series, the establishment of in-house setup and the acquisition of certification will be positively promoted.
- Will push the grappling related to LCA.
- Environmental conservation will be pushed through physical flow measures.
- Forest resources will be protected by popularizing the steel house.
- Energy-saving and resources-conservation will be conducted in the office.
- Greenery will be planted in factory compounds and neighboring areas.
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