(Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Target
- Will aim for certain attainment of the fuel target for gasoline sedan cars in the year 2000 and the fuel target for gasoline trucks in the year 2003.
- Regarding CO2 resulting from the consumption of energy in the automobile manufacturing process, in 2000 it will be stabilized at the 1990 level.
- Raise automobile's fuel efficiency.
- Disseminate low-emission cars.
- Cooperate in joint implementation activities.
- Regarding CFC12, push study of system from recovery to destruction.
- Conduct on continuing basis the movement to educate the public on energy-saving driving, etc.
Waste Disposal Measures
- Target
- The rate of possible recycling of new car models after the year 2002 will be more than 90%.
- The volume of final disposal of waste in 2000 will be less than 40% of the 1990 level.
- Effective use of shredder dust generated from used cars.
- Development of technology for dismantling used cars and providing information about them.
- Reduce environmental burden substances, such as reducing lead use to half by the end of 2000 and to a third by the end of 2005.
Environmental Management
- Will promote the building of a setup for acquiring certification of the ISO14000 standard.
Environmental Conservation in Overseas Business Activities
- The technology and experience accumulated in the past will be put to use and efforts will be made for environmental conservation through international collaboration.
- As part of improvement of management of chemical substances, a voluntary management plan will be drawn up. It is planned to get rid of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene completely by the end of 1999.
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