Electric Machinery
(Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Target
- Regarding energy conservation at the production stage, the production volume CO2 unit will be improved more than 25% over 1990 with 2010 as the target year.
- Development and dissemination of energy-saving type household electric appliances. Particularly, the efficiency of refrigerators, which are big electricity consumers at homes, will be improved by more than 6.5% as compared with 1995.
- Developing and supplying power generation machinery and equipment which use non-fossil fuel.
- Promote adoption of energy-saving equipment.
- Design high efficiency production system.
- Adopt new energy; switch to non-fossil fuel, etc.
- Save on backup power.
- Raise efficiency by improving control method, etc.
- Raise functionability of atomic power generation system.
- Improve efficiency of generator equipment and devices.
- Improve efficiency of solar battery, etc.
Waste Disposal Measures
- Target
- In 2010, the rate of reuse of waste from plants will be raised to 75%. (Rate was 54% in 1991)
- In the same year, the rate of outsourcing of final disposal will be 10%. (26% in 1991)
- Will design consumer electric appliances which are easy to be recycled.
- Give priority to grappling with the problem of recycling waste alkali and waste plastic whose recycling rate is low.
- Promotion of inter-industry cooperation.
- Search for ways to make it easy to dismantle.
- Standardization of materials used.
- Reduction of the quantity of harmful substances used, etc.
Environmental Management
- The electric machine industry will vigorously build the environmental management system and will grapple with the continuous improvement of the environment.
- Efforts will be made to build a setup that is in line with ISO14001.
Environmental Conservation in Overseas Business Activities
- In conducting operations overseas, for the purpose of holding down as much as possible environmental effects on the host country, the problem will be addressed positively with the Keidanren Global Environment Charter as the basis.
- In keeping with changes in the situation, such as technological innovation, the plan will be reviewed accordingly.
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