(Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Associations of Japan,
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Target
- Energy input per unit of output in year 2000 will be reduced to 94% of 1990.
- The reduction target will be attained by switching to energy-saving type equipment and machinery, introducing co-generation equipment, carrying out fuel conversion, and improving processes.
Waste Disposal Measures
- Target
- The generation of total waste will be reduced in 2000 by about 7% from 1995.
- The ratio of the volume of final disposal of generated waste will be reduced in 2000 to 7.4% from 8.1% in 1995.
- Promote reduction of waste output, reduction of harmful waste, raising of recovery rate of solutions, and recycling.
- Regarding containers and packaging, they will be designed with consideration for disposal after use.
Environmental Management
- Efforts are already being made to promote the adoption of the environmental management system and the completion of a system that conforms to ISO14001 will also be pushed.
- The energy input per unit of output is based on sales.
- As for the plan for after the year 2000, it is expected to be drawn up in 2000 on the basis of the performance up to that time.
- Ethical Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, The Proprietary Association of Japan and 11 other organizations cooperated in drafting this plan.
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