Automobile Parts
(Japan Auto Parts Industries Association)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Target
- Efforts will be made to lower by the year 2005 the volume of discharge and/or use of C02 per physical production value to below the 1990 level.
- Will grapple with the problem of improving the car fuel cost from the components side.
- Will promote energy-saving and resources conservation further.
Waste Disposal Measures
- Target
- Will make efforts to reduce the output of industrial waste due to manufacturing activities (1990 survey showed that it was 1,730,000 tons per year for 160 principal companies, recycle rate 55%)
- Efforts will be made to raise the in-house recycling consciousness.
- Will try to raise the recycling potential of used cars.
- Will evaluate recycling potential at the stage of product development.
- Will reduce industrial waste discharge.
Environmental Management
- Efforts will be made so that all companies will understand the spirit of ISO14000. Efforts will be made to build and bolster the environmental management system in line with the ISO standard.
The building of an in-house setup for this purpose will be pushed systematically. Efforts will be made so as to attain a state in which a large number of companies are registered for inspection.
- Will cooperate in planting greenery in the community and in measures to control traffic flow.
Environmental Conservation in Overseas Business Activities
- In their operations overseas, all member companies will take into consideration the local situation and will positively promote the transfer of Japanese technology relating to environmental measures.
- The targets of this action plan will be revised in accordance with changes in the industrial structure resulting from such developments as technological innovation and from changes in the product lineup.
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