Chain Stores
(Japan Chain Stores Association)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Development of environmentally harmonious goods, etc.
- Positive purchasing of energy-saving goods, recycled products, etc.
- Making store more energy efficient
- Studying the introduction of a total energy efficiency improvement system, such as through the utilization of intermediate water.
- Improvement of the goods distribution management system, reduction in the number of vehicles and total operating distance through cooperation.
- Reduction of distribution routes, such as using on-demand supply systems and the amount of distribution materials used
- Completion of the stop idle movement.
- Make office work paperless
- Proposal and addressing of more energy-saving life styles to consumers
Waste Disposal Measures
- Improving the method of supply
- Completing fractional recovery for the purpose of making industrial waste into a resource
- Promoting paperless office work
- Promotion of simple packaging and no packaging
- Utilizing packaging materials that place less of a load on the environment
- Promotion of the movement to bring own shopping bags
Environmental Management
- With the issuing of ISO14001 in September 1996, recognition about environmental inspection has deepened in the retail sales circle. In the future, the Association will promote further study of environmental management systems and environmental inspection that meet the actual situation at chain stores.
Environmental Conservation in Overseas Business Activities
- In addition to complying with the Keidanren Global Environment Charter, the Association will consider how to keep from bringing Japan's idea of mass production, mass consumption and mass waste into the host country.
- The Association will eye enlightenment activities in developing countries concerning the environmental load caused by mass consumption and will provide our country's experience and knowledge to construct a recycle-society economic system that fits the country's situation.
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