Department Store
(Japan Department Stores Association)
(provisional plan)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Will establish stores that contribute to easing the environmental burden, such as by using clean energy and giving priority to installing energy-saving facilities and equipment.
- Will rationalize physical flow that takes the environment into consideration, such as by spreading hanger delivery in coordination with the apparel industry, using agent delivery of procurements, and joint delivery to customers, etc.
Waste Disposal Measures
- Will reconsider merchandise from the LCA standpoint.
- Will simplify packaging, restrict the use of packaging material, and use packaging material of small environmental burden.
- Will promote the reduction and recycling of waste produced in stores.
- Will conduct education of consumers and employees to enhance their environmental awareness, etc.
Environmental Management
- Keeping in sight the spread of environmental inspection by external organizations according to a standardized method, will study the international standards of ISO and LCA and will grapple with the structuring of voluntary environmental management that is consonant with the actual situation and of an in-house voluntary assessment system.
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