(Japan Chemical Industry Association)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Target
- Efforts will be made to reduce the energy input per unit of output in 2010 to 90% that of 1990.
- By making use of various technologies possessed by the chemical industry, efforts will be made to develop process technology relating to energy conservation and environmental harmony.
Waste Disposal Measures
- Target
- In 2010, reduce by 40% from 1990 the volume of outsourced final reclamation dumping of industrial waste.
- Increase the recycling of industrial waste in 2010 by 15% over 1990.
- By promoting Responsible Care, each company will implement voluntary control without fail.
Environmental Management
- Draw up relevant guideline through Responsible Care and at the same time establish the Japan Responsible Care Promotion Council, thereby pushing the establishment of an environmental measures organization in each company, the compilation of an implementation program, in-house inspection and the compilation of report, etc.
Environmental Conservation in Overseas Business Activities
- In conducting operations overseas, will transfer energy-saving technology and environmental conservation technology and will also contribute to measures to restrict C02 emission.
- This is a provisional plan. It will be reviewed in future and efforts will be made to improve it.
- The 80 organizations which belong to the Japan Chemical Industry Association cooperated in drafting this plan.
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