(Cement Association of Japan)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Target
- The industry average unit requirement for total fuel in FY 1990 was 2940 kj per 1 kg of cement clinkers. (2720 kj per 1 kg of cement by the year 2005 has already been stated as its target by the German Cement Industry.) The industry average for amount of electricity used was 95.4 kwh per 1 kg of cement. Both of these figures below the levels for other advanced countries.
- Therefore, the Association does not indicate specific target values, but will strive to reduce energy consumption as much as possible.
- Expand the use of fuel-substitute waste
- Promote the usage of remaining heat
- Expand the production ratio of mixed cement
- Convert inefficient facilities into highly efficient ones
- Promote joint operations
Waste Disposal Measures
- Target
- The cement industry reuses 26 million tons of various waste and by-products per year as a resource. It will actively promote expansion of disposal amounts.
- Construction of appropriate disposal systems
- Completion of waste acceptance/disposal facilities
- Development of technology to limit harmful materials
Environmental Management
- The voluntary tackling of environment conservation measures for a long time have brought about remarkable results. To continue and improve this, the Association is promoting construction of environmental management systems and introduction of supervisory systems that respond to the actual state at each company in this circle.
- It is necessary to develop multifaceted activities for environmental conservation, but some countermeasures may conflict with others. Thus, it is consider important to establish a countermeasure evaluation system from the total viewpoint, and to initiate study about matters related to the cement industry.
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