(Japan Mining Industry Association)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Target
- By the year 2010, the non-ferrous metal industry (copper, zinc, lead, nickel) will reduce the energy input per unit of output by 12% from the 1990 level.
- With regards to free-nickel, will aim to reduce the energy input per unit of output similarly by 5%.
- Promote energy-conservation by strengthening operation control.
- Improve efficient use of fossil fuels by means of efficient use of waste industrial heat, power generation with waste material, co-generation, compound generation, etc.
- Promote the use of new energy.
- Improve transportation efficiency, etc.
Waste Disposal Measures
- Target
- The recycling rate of slug from non-ferrous smelters and moist smelter residue will be raised to 99% in fiscal 2010.(88% in fiscal 1995)
- The final disposal volume of slug, etc. from non-ferrous smelters in fiscal 2010 will be reduced to 83% of the fiscal 1995 volume.
- 90% of the silt in waste water from idle and closed mines will be dissolved in fiscal 2010, as compared with fiscal 1986.
- Improve slug quality by reforming process and reduce amount generated, etc.
- Reform process, develop ways to use steel for cement, etc.
- Increase the number of mines using the sediment repeat method, and develop measures to reduce disposal source water.
Environmental Management
- Will make efforts to strengthen the voluntary environmental management system while taking into account the actual situation of the member companies, such as their business scale, thus raising the environmental management level in our industry.
Environmental Conservation in Overseas Business Activities
- With the latest knowledge and views, will pay heed to environmental conservation measures that are consonant with the actual situation in the host country, such as showing a responsive posture regarding appropriate technology.
- Will make efforts to give consideration in keeping with the Keidanren Global Environment Charter, such as building an environmental management system in the host country and providing technology and knowhow, etc.
- The ferro-nickel industry is included in this action plan.
- Regarding the structuring of recycle-based society, efforts will be made to strengthen coordination with other industries.
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