Foreign Trade
(Japan Foreign Trade Council)
Measures to cope with global warming
- Target
- Make efforts to lower the volume of electricity, gas, and water consumption in 2010 to the level of 1990.
- Study the effect of corporate activities on the global warming phenomenon.
- Transfer energy-conservation technology to other countries.
- Preservation of forestry resources and promotion of reforestation business.
- Adoption of energy-saving equipment, implementation of public education movement and periodic review of results, etc.
Waste Disposal Measures
- Measures
- Adoption of recycling technology of advanced countries and transfer of our country's technology and development of new technology.
- Promotion of recycling business.
- In offices, conduct recovery of waste separated according to type without fail. When purchasing office supplies, green procurement will be promoted.
Environmental Management
- A study will be conducted on the designing of an environmental management system that is consonant with the business of trading companies and efforts will be made to use ISO14001.
- For the purpose of reducing the environmental burden, positive guidance and advice will be given to relevant trading companies in accordance with the spirit of ISO14001.
Environmental Conservation in Overseas Business Activities
- In conducting operations overseas, the Keidanren Global Environment Charter shall be the action guideline in order to contribute through business to the host country's economic development and environmental conservation and to the enhancement of the welfare of the host country's people.
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