一般社団法人 日本経済団体連合会
このたび、欧州委員会が公表したAI白書#1には、中小企業も含めた幅広い主体によるAIのイノベーションと、AIを活用するにあたっての「信頼あるエコシステム」構築の両面が記載され、経団連が目指す「信頼できる高品質AI (Trusted Quality AI) エコシステム」の構築と軌を一にしている。
#1 White Paper on Artificial Intelligence: a European approach to excellence and trust
p.7 E. Partnership With The Private Sector
- (p.7 抜粋)
Action 5: In the context of Horizon Europe, the Commission will set up a new public private partnership in AI, data and robotics to combine efforts, ensure coordination of research and innovation in AI, collaborate with other public-private partnerships in Horizon Europe and work together with the testing facilities and the Digital Innovation Hubs mentioned above.
- (意見)
日欧それぞれの強みを活かした連携はAIのイノベーション推進に貢献する。Horizon Europeに関して、日本の政府、研究機関、産業界との連携の検討を加速すべきである。
p.8 G. Securing Access To Data And Computing Infrastructure
- (p.8 抜粋)
Promoting responsible data management practices and compliance of data with the FAIR principles will contribute to build trust and ensure re-usability of data. Equally important is investment in key computing technologies and infrastructures.
- (意見)
- (p.8-9 抜粋)
The EU will continue to cooperate with like-minded countries, but also with global players, on AI, based on an approach based on EU rules and values (中略) The Commission is convinced that international cooperation on AI matters must be based on an approach that promotes the respect of fundamental rights, including human dignity, pluralism, inclusion, non-discrimination and protection of privacy and personal data26 and it will strive to export its values across the world.
- (意見)
p.9 5. An Ecosystem Of Trust: Regulatory Framework For AI
- (全体)
- (意見)
p.16 C. Scope of a Future EU Regulatory Framework
- (p.17 抜粋)
A risk-based approach is important to help ensure that the regulatory intervention is proportionate.
- (意見)
- (p.17 抜粋)
The determination of what is a high-risk AI application should be clear and easily understandable and applicable for all parties concerned.
- (意見)
p.18 D. Types Of Requirements
- (全体)
- (意見)
p.18 a) Training data
- (p.19 抜粋)
For instance, requirements ensuring that AI systems are trained on data sets that are sufficiently broad and cover all relevant scenarios needed to avoid dangerous situations.
- (p.19 抜粋)
These requirements could entail in particular obligations to use data sets that are sufficiently representative, especially to ensure that all relevant dimensions of gender, ethnicity and other possible grounds of prohibited discrimination are appropriately reflected in those data sets;
- (意見)
- (p.19 抜粋)
Requirements to take reasonable measures aimed at ensuring that such subsequent use of AI systems does not lead to outcomes entailing prohibited discrimination. These requirements could entail in particular obligations to use data sets that are sufficiently representative, especially to ensure that all relevant dimensions of gender, ethnicity and other possible grounds of prohibited discrimination are appropriately reflected in those data sets
- (意見)
p.19 b) Keeping of records and data
- (p.19 抜粋)
The records, documentation and, where relevant, data sets would need to be retained during a limited, reasonable time period to ensure effective enforcement of the relevant legislation. Measures should be taken to ensure that they are made available upon request, in particular for testing or inspection by competent authorities.
- (意見)
p.20 c) Information provision
- (p.20 抜粋)
Ensuring clear information to be provided as to the AI system’s capabilities and limitations, in particular the purpose for which the systems are intended, the conditions under which they can be expected to function as intended and the expected level of accuracy in achieving the specified purpose.
- (意見)
p.20 d) Robustness and accuracy
- (p.20 抜粋)
AI systems — and certainly high-risk AI applications — must be technically robust and accurate in order to be trustworthy. That means that such systems need to be developed in a responsible manner and with an ex-ante due and proper consideration of the risks that they may generate. Their development and functioning must be such to ensure that AI systems behave reliably as intended. All reasonable measures should be taken to minimise the risk of harm being caused.
- (意見)
- (p.20 抜粋)
Requirements ensuring that outcomes are reproducible
- (意見)
- (p.20 抜粋)
Requirements ensuring that AI systems can adequately deal with errors or inconsistencies during all life cycle phases
- (意見)
p.21 e) Human oversight
- (p.21 抜粋)
Human oversight helps ensuring that an AI system does not undermine human autonomy or cause other adverse effects. The objective of trustworthy, ethical and human-centric AI can only be achieved by ensuring an appropriate involvement by human beings in relation to high-risk AI applications.
- (意見)
- (p.21 抜粋)
in the design phase, by imposing operational constraints on the AI system (e.g. a driverless car shall stop operating in certain conditions of low visibility when sensors may become less reliable or shall maintain a certain distance in any given condition from the preceding vehicle).
- (意見)
p.18, p.21 f) Specific requirements for remote biometric identification
- (p.18 抜粋)
注52 Remote biometric identification should be distinguished from biometric authentication --. Remote biometric identification is --.
- (p.21 抜粋)
…The gathering and use of biometric data for remote identification purposes, for instance through deployment of facial recognition in public places, carries specific risks for fundamental rights.
- (意見)
遠隔生体認証 (remote biometric identification) や生体確認 (biometric authentication) の定義の範囲・用途や両者の区別自体が明確でない。例示も含め、定義の範囲・用途と両者の区別を明確化すべきである。
- (p.22 抜粋)
the Commission will launch a broad European debate on the specific circumstances, if any, which might justify such use, and on common safeguards.
- (意見)
p.22 E. Addressees
- (p.22 抜粋)
For example, while the developers of AI may be best placed to address risks arising from the development phase, their ability to control risks during the use phase may be more limited. In that case, the deployer should be subject to the relevant obligation. (中略) Under EU product liability law, liability for defective products is attributed to the producer, without prejudice to national laws which may also allow recovery from other parties.
- (意見)
p.23 F. Compliance and Enforcement
- (p.23 抜粋)
In view of the high risk that certain AI applications pose for citizens and our society (see section A above), the Commission considers at this stage that an objective, prior conformity assessment would be necessary to verify and ensure that certain of the above mentioned mandatory requirements applicable to high-risk applications (see section D above) are complied with.
- (注59)
The system would be based on conformity assessment procedures in the EU, --. See the Blue guide on the Implementation --.
- (意見)
- (p.23 抜粋)
It could include checks of the algorithms and of the data sets used in the development phase.
- (意見)
- (p.23 抜粋)
In case the conformity assessment shows that an AI system does not meet the requirements for example relating to the data used to train it, the identified shortcomings will need to be remedied, for instance by re-training the system in the EU in such a way as to ensure that all applicable requirements are met.
- (意見)
再訓練をEU域内で求めることは、外資系企業に対するパフォーマンス要求(ローカルコンテンツ使用要求、技術移転要求 等)につながる懸念があるため、要件を満たさなかった場合の再訓練等について、方法、場所を規定すべきでない。
- (p.24 抜粋)
Ex-post controls should be enabled by adequate documentation of the relevant AI application (see section E above) and, where appropriate, a possibility for third parties such as competent authorities to test such applications.
- (意見)
- (p.24 抜粋)
The voluntary label would allow the economic operators concerned to signal that their AI-enabled products and services are trustworthy. It would allow users to easily recognise that the products and services in question are in compliance with certain objective and standardised EU-wide benchmarks, going beyond the normally applicable legal obligations. This would help enhance the trust of users in AI systems and promote the overall uptake of the technology.
- (意見)
p.25 H. Governance
- (p.24 抜粋)
A European governance structure on AI in the form of a framework for cooperation of national competent authorities is necessary to avoid fragmentation of responsibilities, increase capacity in Member States, and make sure that Europe equips itself progressively with the capacity needed for testing and certification of AI-enabled products and services. In this context, it would be beneficial to support competent national authorities to enable them to fulfil their mandate where AI is used.
- (意見)
- (p.25 抜粋)
…The EU enjoys excellent testing and assessment centres and should develop its capacity also in the area of AI. Economic operators established in third countries wanting to enter the internal market could either make use of designated bodies established in the EU or, subject to mutual recognition agreements with third countries, have recourse to third-country bodies designated to carry out such assessment.
- (意見)
- (p.25 抜粋)
The EU enjoys excellent testing and assessment centres and should develop its capacity also in the area of AI. Economic operators established in third countries wanting to enter the internal market could either make use of designated bodies established in the EU or, subject to mutual recognition agreements with third countries, have recourse to third-country bodies designated to carry out such assessment.
- (意見)