The Japanese economy
The Japanese economy is on a moderate recovery, while weakness can be seen in some areas due in part to the effects of poor weather conditions. I hope that Prime Minister Abe will have a favorable economic situation to make his decision on another increase in the consumption tax rate awaited in December with confidence.
Promotion of Women's Active Participation
Keidanren has been working hard on promoting women's active participation in the workforce as one of our top priorities. The related legislation which is being discussed in the government is expected to require major companies to set numerical targets. It clearly shows Prime Minister Abe's firm determination on realizing a "society where women can shine." Keidanren is heading in the same direction. In fact, we have urged member companies to introduce numerical targets in their voluntary action plans concerning appointing women in managerial and board positions. It is desirable that businesses should be given a free hand to decide how to reach their goals.