ABAC Bulletin(ABAC活動報告)
- ABAC Prepares Report to APEC MRT, Calls for Renewed Focus on FTAAP
- Deeper Business Engagement in APEC Mining Talks Sought
- ABAC Explores Internet Supply Chain Financing for SMMEs Online
- 2014 Asia-Pacific Forum on Financial Inclusion
- ABAC holds APFF workshop with China central bank and IFC
- The ‘Most Liveable City in the World’ Hosts ABAC 1
- ABAC Meets with APEC Senior Officials
- ABAC Supports APEC's Multi-year Plan on Connectivity and Infrastructure Development
- ABAC's Fresh Approach on the Efficient Management of Mobile Skilled Workers
- PSU Study urges Greater Role of SMEs in Global Production Chains
- More Push on APEC Food Security Agenda
- Prospects for ABAC: Extracting worth from waste
- ABAC Meets with APEC Leaders in Bali, Indonesia
- Women's Economic Empowerment Vital for Regional Competitiveness
- Tackling Barriers to Foreign Investment
- ABAC Responds to Challenges in Infrastructure Development
- Emerging Best-Practice Model for SMMEs
- ABAC Prioritises Food Security
- ABAC Finalizes its 2013 Letter and Report to APEC Leaders in Kyoto
- ABAC seeks APEC's commitment to address Energy Market Integration
- ABAC drives two successful Services liberalisation dialogues
- Internationalisation of Emerging Currencies: Special Focus on RMB
- ABAC's Global Product Data Standards Proposal Moving Forward in APEC Talks
- Building Asia's Capital Markets - ABAC's Asia Pacific Financial Forum (APFF) Initiative
- Partnership, Resilience and Building Bridges to Growth
- Business Anxiety Surrounds New Financial Regulations
- WTO ‘Doha Package’ Emphasized in ABAC Letter to Trade Ministers
- Japan seeks to join TPP, RCEP and the Pacific Alliance Gain Momentum
- ABAC keen on APEC engagement for SMME Financing
- ABAC initiative on Blue Economy centers on Aquaculture
- Partnership, Resilience and Building Bridges to Growth
- APEC poised to respond to the food security challenges in the region
- PPFS Working Groups created
- RCEP and TPP gaining momentum
- 7 Lessons from Entrepreneurs from Asia's Most Successful
- Sustainable Growth With Equality
- Closing the Gap between Aspirations and Reality
- PwC's 2012 APEC CEO Survey
- Business seeks openness and liberalization in Asia Pacific
- Green Light from the Finance Ministers
- Enhancing SMME Competitiveness through Innovation
- Barriers to Trade in Services
- Resolute Action Urged in Pursuing Bogor Goals
- Strengthening Food Security through Technology Dissemination and Infrastructure Development
- Public-Private Partnership in Developing the Region's Capital markets
- Facilitating Innovative Growth across Borders: Creating New Business and Business Models
- Improved Integration through the APEC Supply Chain Connectivity
- APEC Supply Chain Connectivity Framework
- Deepening Private Sector Involvement through PPP, Financing, and Technology Transfer
- Services Trade and Supply Chains
- PPP for Water Infrastructure
- The ‘Internationalization of SMEs’ with the Use of ICT
- Intensified Commitment to Energy Security
- Managing the Global Financial Crisis: Asia Pacific Financial Forum
- Women in Business Making a Difference
- Focused but High-Impact Aspirations for All
- The 2012 APEC Work Plan
- The New Services Agenda
- Strengthening Food Security through Technology Dissemination
- Entrepreneurship in Asia-Pacific
- APEC Travel Facilitation Initiative