ODA administration must be aware that the current ODA administration in Japan is complicated. It involves many different ministries, lacks coordination and flexibility towards changing global conditions. It is therefore necessary to designate one ministry which formulate assistance policies. Execution of such policies must be left for one government agency which will dedicate itself in coordinating and implementing the assistance programs. Division of labor between policy making ministry and program implementation agency must be clearly established.
A new agency for implementation, what shall be titled e.g., International Cooperation Agency must be established to implement assistance programs.
Packaged comprehensive assistance must be provided. (Packaging include: grant, loan and technical assistance; geographical linkage of bilateral and multilateral assistance; donor combination jointly with other donor countries, and/or with international organizations, etc.; combination of ODA with private-sector resources.)
A comprehensive public relations activities should be implemented to gain understanding of the Japanese people and to keep improving its assistance efforts. In doing so a database consisting of past assistance programs, on-going programs and requests must be constructed and disclosed.