Total Expenditure on Philanthropic Activities
Fiscal year 90 91 92 93 Total Amount (million yen) 111,300 183,800 167,000 149,400 [$1.39 billion] [Number of responded companies] (254) (350) (381) (369) Average per company (million yen) 438 525 438 405 [$3.76 million] Growth Rate over previous fiscal year ---- +19.9% -16.6% -7.5%
Fiscal year 90 91 92 93 Total Amount (million yen) 92,700 130,700 120,700 107,400 [1.00 billion] (253) (346) (380) (366) Average per company (million yen) 366 378 318 293 [$2.72 million] Growth Rate over previous fiscal year ---- +3.3% -15.9% -7.9%
Expenditure on Independent Programs
Fiscal year 90 91 92 93 Total Amount (million yen) 18,500 53,100 46,300 42,000 [0.39 billion] (111) (224) (329) (365) Average per company (million yen) 167 237 141 115 [1.07 million] Growth Rate over previous fiscal year ---- +41.9% -40.5% -18.4%
The ratio of expenditure on philanthropy activities to total sales, recurring profits, and pre-tax profits (simple average)
Fiscal year 90 91 92 93 ratio to total sales 0.10% 0.12% 0.15% 0.21% (176) (312) (327) (321) ratio to recurring profit 1.72% 2.67% 2.86% 3.47% (182) (295) (343) (315) ratio to pre-tax profit 1.78% 2.92% 3.24% 4.25% (176) (285) (330) (310)
Social welfare 7.2% Environment Protection 5.6% Health/Medicine 6.7% Preservation of culture, tradition, and archeological sites, etc. 1.9% Athletic events 6.8% Academic research 16.6% Local community activities 13.9% International exchange, cooperation 8.2% Education 13.3% Disaster relief 1.1% Arts & Culture 8.8% Others 9.6%
Number of companies that implemented new systems for promoting philanthropic activities
Fiscal year Fiscal year 90 or before 91 92 93 Total Number of companies that implemented new systems 42 35 45 46 168 (types and number of systems) Volunteer leave system 4 9 16 12 41 Japan Overseas Cooperation participation leave system 11 9 10 5 35 Volunteer time-off system 1 11 12 7 31 Local community activity time-off system 5 2 3 2 12 Volunteer activist recognition system 10 3 6 2 21 Local community contribution activity campaign 1 2 0 1 4 Establishment of philanthropy committee 1 1 0 0 2 Matching gift system 9 6 6 9 30 Establishment of money conversion rule 1 2 0 0 3 Others 9 2 8 16 35 Total 52 47 61 54 214