[ Keidanren ] [ Policy ]
Toward Greater Diversity in Japan-Canada Economic Relations
[ Table 5 ]
Examples of Japan-Canada Exchange Activities by Industrial Sector
Food Products
[1] (Wheat) Japan's Food Agency and associated delivery companies have implemented exchanges with Canada's CWB.
[2] (Rapeseed) A Japan-Canada Rapeseed Conference sponsored jointly by the government and the private sector is held twice a year.
[1] Since 1978, the Japan Paper Association has held regular meetings with Canadian Pulp and Paper Association.
[1] Pacific Automotive Cooperation Inc.
Pacific Automotive Cooperation Inc. was established in 1984, by Mr. Edward Lumley, Minister for Trade of Canada and Mr. Takashi Ishihara, Chairman of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc., with the aim of promoting private Japanese investment in Canada and encouraging cooperation between Japanese and Canadian industries.
Primary activities
- Promoting investment (holding seminars, etc.)
- Nurturing leaders (suppliers, etc.)
- Communicating (supporting business discussions, visiting Canadian parts suppliers, etc.)
- Issuing reports
These activities have been highly praised by the Canadian federal government as well as such provincial governments as Ontario and Quebec.
Recognizing that the initial goals of the program had been reached (with investments made in Canada by Toyota, Honda, CAMI, etc.), Pacific Automotive Cooperation Inc. was disbanded at the end of June 1997.
Automobile Parts
[1] US-Japan-Canada Automotive Business Conference (USJAC)
These conferences have been held about every two years since 1995, providing a forum where Japanese-owned primary suppliers (on the procurement side) operating in the US and Canada can engage in business discussions with American and Canadian secondary and tertiary suppliers (on the supply side).
Information and Telecommunications
Since 1986, Communications Industry Association of Japan and Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance have met biannually and held seminars (six seminars to date) with the aim of promoting links between Japanese and Canadian companies in the telecommunications field, and encouraging the joint research and development of telecommunications technologies.
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